Sunday, 23 June 2019

Show 31 - PHILOSOPHY SIMPLIFIED. Marcus Aurelius and Stoicism Pt.2

Stoicism and it’s usefulness for psychology today and for the individual in everyday life, Part 2. Discussing philosophy with simple language and explaining it in a manner for all to understand and how it can be used today for the achievement of happiness. We look at Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, and Seneca. Carlos Camacho Psychologist and Author. Music: Walk on By by Dianne Warwick.

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Thursday, 20 June 2019

Show 30 - PHILOSOPHY SIMPLIFIED. Marcus Aurelius Pt.1

Stoicism through Marcus Aurelius and it’s usefulness for psychology today and for the individual in everyday life, Part 1. Discussing philosophy with simple language and explaining it in a manner for all to understand and how it can be used today for the achievement of happiness. We look at the concept of the mind and its control over problems which for Marcus Aurelius meant not worrying about things we cannot control. Carlos Camacho Psychologist and Author. Music: Everybody's Talkin' by Harry Nilsson.

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Monday, 10 June 2019

Show 29 - PHILOSOPHY SIMPLIFIED. Epicurus Pt.2

Epicureanism and it’s usefulness for psychology today and for the individual in everyday life, Part 2. Discussing philosophy with simple language and explaining it in a manner for all to understand and how it can be used today for the achievement of happiness. We look at the material soul, pleasure, friendship, happiness and the concept of overcoming death which for Epicurus meant not fearing it. Carlos Camacho Psychologist and Author. Music: Son of a Preacher Man by Dusty Springfield.

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Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Shoe 28 - PHILOSOPHY SIMPLIFIED. Epicurus Pt.1

Epicurus’ philosophy Epicureanism and it’s usefulness for psychology today and for the individual in everyday life Part 1. Discussing philosophy with simple language and explaining it in a manner for all to understand and how it can be used today for the achievement of happiness. We look at friendship, happiness and the concept of overcoming death which for Epicurus meant not fearing it. Carlos Camacho Psychologist and Author. Music: Daydream Believer by The Monkees.

Check out this episode!