Saturday, 22 February 2014

Carlos Camacho Psychology / Psicología : 60 Segundos de Positividad: Confianza Parte 1 Carl...

Carlos Camacho Psychology / Psicología : 60 Segundos de Positividad: Confianza Parte 1 Carl...: Muchas personas creen erróneamente que la confianza es algo con que las personas nacen. Creen erróneamente que las personas que son confiden...

60 Segundos de Positividad: Confianza Parte 1 Carlos Camacho Psicologia

Muchas personas creen erróneamente que la confianza es algo con que las personas nacen.
Creen erróneamente que las personas que son confidentes tienen la suerte de tener el gen confianza.
Por supuesto, esto no es cierto, la realidad es lo contrario.
La confianza como cualquier otra habilidad se aprende.
La gente decide una meta, entonces ellos definen su plan y luego la practican .
Ya se trate de patear una pelota , administrar un negocio, escribir un blog o simplemente crear confianza.
Estos 3 pasos no se pueden evitar, sobre todo la práctica.
La gente confidentes en realidad no la son, ellos solo pretenden serlo.
Ocupan un personaje , un personaje seguro y llevan a cabo la tarea.
Les puedo asegurar que cuando estan ejerciendo confianza experimentan los mismos temores que los demás,
pero se han convencido a sí mismos, que están seguros,
por lo que su cerebro le permite procesar y seguir en lugar de liberar la ansiedad.
Es la ansiedad que te hace ver y sentir inseguro e incierto.
Si usted puede convencer al cerebro de no liberar la ansiedad ya esta casi allí.

Carlos Camacho Psicólogo

60 Segundos de Positividad: Confianza Part 2 Carlos Camacho Psicologia

Así que pretender estar seguro aumentará su confianza

porque su cerebro se acostumbrará al proceso y con el tiempo se verá natural.

Comience hoy mismo con un simple ejercicio de acercarse a alguien,

ya sea alguien que te gusta, o alguien famoso, o alguien que encuentra intimidante

o su próxima entrevista de trabajo, dar el paso pero con la práctica de antemano.

Prepárate como un actor lo haría aprendiendo su guión.

Cualquier error o fallas deben ser vistos como una oportunidad de aprendizaje.

Usted continúa practicando y usted puede cambiar su 
guión para mejorar la eficiencia.

No se puede eludir el trabajo duro, si usted lo quiere realmente, practicarlo todos los días.

Hágalo parte de su día domestico como comer o dormir.

Recuerde, la confianza se aprende, esas personas de confianza que usted ve por ahí

con confiancia es porque se entrenaron a sí mismos.

Usted puede hacerlo también.

Carlos Camacho Psicólogo

Carlos Camacho Psychology / Psicología : 60 Seconds of Positivity: Confidence Part 2 Carlos...

Carlos Camacho Psychology / Psicología : 60 Seconds of Positivity: Confidence Part 2 Carlos...: So pretending to be confident will increase your chances of actually looking confident because your brain will become used to the process a...

60 Seconds of Positivity: Confidence Part 2 Carlos Camacho Psychology

So pretending to be confident will increase your chances of actually looking confident
because your brain will become used to the process and it will eventually look natural.
Start today with a simple exercise of approaching someone you would never have approaches,
be it someone you like, or someone famous, or somebody you may find intimidating
or your next job interview, take the step but practice beforehand.
Prepare yourself like an actor would by learning your script.
Any mistakes or failures should be seen as a learning opportunity.
You continue practicing and you may change your script to improve efficiency.
There is no escaping hard work, if you want it bad enough practice it every day.
Make it part of your domestic day like eating or sleeping.
Remember, Confidence is learned, those confident people you see out there
are confident because they  trained themselves to be.
You can do it also.

Carlos Camacho Psychologist

Carlos Camacho Psychology / Psicología : 60 Seconds of Positivity: Confidence Part 1 Carlos...

Carlos Camacho Psychology / Psicología : 60 Seconds of Positivity: Confidence Part 1 Carlos...: Many people erroneously believe that Confidence is something people are born with. They mistakenly believe that people who are confident ar...

60 Seconds of Positivity: Confidence Part 1 Carlos Camacho Psychology

Many people erroneously believe that Confidence is something people are born with.
They mistakenly believe that people who are confident are lucky to have The Confidence Gene.
This of course is not true, its actually the opposite.
Confidence like every other skill is learned.
People decide a goal, then they define their plan and then they practice it.
Whether its kicking a ball, running a business, writing a blog or simply confidence building.
These 3 steps cannot be avoided, especially the practicing or the Doing part of it.
Confident people are not actually confident, they pretend to be confident.
They take up a role, or a character, a confident character and they perform the task.
I can assure you that as they are performing they experience the same fears that others do,
but they have convinced themselves, starting with their brain, that they are confident
and therefore their brain allows the process to continue as opposed to releasing anxiety.
It is the anxiety that makes you look and feel not confident, insecure and uncertain.
If you can convince the brain to not  release anxiety you will be half there.

Carlos Camacho Psychologist

Monday, 17 February 2014

Carlos Camacho Psychology / Psicología : No Levante Ningun Turista: Carlos Camcho Psicólog...

Carlos Camacho Psychology / Psicología : No Levante Ningun Turista: Carlos Camcho Psicólog...: Las personas que tienen a su alrededor son muy influyentes . Asegúrese de tener los amigos que creen en usted y su sueño. La cosa...

No Levante Ningun Turista: Carlos Camcho Psicólogo / Psychologist

Las personas que tienen a su alrededor son muy influyentes.
Asegúrese de tener los amigos que creen en usted y su sueño.
La cosa más destructiva que una persona puede tener es gente negativa.
Usted será capaz de detectarlos por la forma en que reaccionan cuando les dices que estás progresando.
Las personas que le rodean estan feliz por usted?
No es suficiente con tener personas neutrales que le rodean,
tienen que ser positivas!
Si son neutrales significa que no se preocupan por usted.
Tómese el tiempo esta semana y empieze a categorizar.
Si usted quiere tener éxito: fuera con lo viejo y empiece con lo Nuevo.
Desafortunadamente mis amigos, es la única manera.
comience de nuevo, centrándose en sus sueños, y no se lleve ningún turista con usted
son demasiado pesada y el viaje es largo.
Empiece hoy.

Carlos Camacho Psicólogo / Psychologist

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Carlos Camacho Psychology / Psicología : Dont Pick Up Tourists On the Way. Carlos Camacho P...

Carlos Camacho Psychology / Psicología : Dont Pick Up Tourists On the Way. Carlos Camacho P...: The people you have around you are very influential. Make sure you have friends that believe in you and your dream. The most destructive t...

Carlos Camacho Psychology / Psicología : Dont Pick Up Tourists On the Way. Carlos Camacho P...

Carlos Camacho Psychology / Psicología : Dont Pick Up Tourists On the Way. Carlos Camacho P...: The people you have around you are very influential. Make sure you have friends that believe in you and your dream. The most destructive t...

Dont Pick Up Tourists On the Way. Carlos Camacho Psychologist

The people you have around you are very influential.
Make sure you have friends that believe in you and your dream.
The most destructive thing a person can have is negative people.
You will be able to spot them buy the way they react when you tell them you are progressing.
Are the people around you trully happy for you?
Or are they humouring you just to keep you happy?
Its not enough to have neutral people around you,
they need to be positive!
If they are neutral it means they dont care about you.
Take time time this week and start spotting them out.
If you want to succeed: out with the old and in with the new.
Unfortunately my friends, its the only way.
Start anew, focus on your dreams, and dont take any tourists with you
they are too heavy and the journey is long.
Start today.

Carlos Camacho Psychologist

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Carlos Camacho Psychology / Psicología : ESCRIBIR UN PLAN DE NEGOCIOS PARA SU VIDA: Carlos ...

Carlos Camacho Psychology / Psicología : ESCRIBIR UN PLAN DE NEGOCIOS PARA SU VIDA: Carlos ...: La mayoría de la gente reconoce que escribir un plan de negocio para su negocio es una buena idea. Te permite saber dónde se encuentra, dond...

ESCRIBIR UN PLAN DE NEGOCIOS PARA SU VIDA: Carlos Camacho Psychologist / Psicólogo

La mayoría de la gente reconoceque escribir un plan de negocio para su negocio es una buena idea.Te permite saber dónde se encuentra,donde quiere estar y cómo va a llegar allí.Las estadísticas muestran que el 90 % de los negocios  que fracasan no tienen planes de negocios.De los 90 % , los que fracasan en el primer año son 100 %.Si usted desea alcanzar sus metas lo primero que debe hacer esEscribir un plan !Consiga un pedazo de papel A4 y ponga lo que desea hacer y ser:en 10 añosen 5 añosen 1 añoen 6 mesesen 1 mesen 1 semanaMañana .Entonces usted consigue otra hoja de papel y escribelo que quiere lograr en la HOY. 
Mantiene la primera hoja de papely escribir una nueva hoja de papel de HOY todos los dias.La cosa más importante es :pensarescribiry hacer lo que tengas que hacer HOY para tener éxito.Concéntrese en el presente,  centrese en el Procedimiento de la meta final,Si usted quiere tener éxito , tome 5 minutos cada mañana paraESCRIBIR UN PLAN DE NEGOCIOS PARA SU VIDA 
Carlos Camacho Psychologist / Psicó

Carlos Camacho Psychology / Psicología : Write a Business Plan For Your Life: Carlos Camach...

Carlos Camacho Psychology / Psicología : Write a Business Plan For Your Life: Carlos Camach...: Most people would acknowledge that writing a business plan for your business is a good idea. It allows you know where you are at, where y...

Write a Business Plan For Your Life: Carlos Camacho Psychologist

Most people would acknowledge
that writing a business plan for your business is a good idea.
It allows you know where you are at,
where you want to be and how you are going to get there.
Statistics show that 90% of business' that fail do not have business plans.
Out of those 90%, the ones that fail in the first year are 100%.
If you want to achieve your goals the first thing to do is
Write a plan!
Get an A4 piece of paper and put down where you want to be:
in 10 years
in 5 years
in 1 year
in 6 months
in 1 month
in 1 week
Then you get another piece of paper and write down
what you want to achieve TODAY.
Then you keep the first piece of paper
and write a new piece of paper for TODAY.
The most important thing you will do is:
and DO what you have to do TODAY to become successful.
Concentrate on the present, focus on the Procedure not the final goal,
If you want to be successful, take 5 minutes every morning and

Carlos Camacho Psychologist

Monday, 10 February 2014

Carlos Camacho Psychology / Psicología : Fail To Succeed: 60 Seconds of Positivity

Carlos Camacho Psychology / Psicología : Fail To Succeed: 60 Seconds of Positivity: Failing is a part of succeeding. Successful people in any area of life have failed, made mistakes and errors. As a matter of fact, they ha...

Fail To Succeed: 60 Seconds of Positivity

Failing is a part of succeeding.
Successful people in any area of life have failed, made mistakes and errors.
As a matter of fact, they have failed much more than they have succeeded.
The difference between a successful person and one that is not is in Perseverance.
Have a goal, but concentrate on the process,
if you fail you look at it as a learning opportunity.
You do not give up.  Only people that don't try give up
and only people that DO will fail.
If you don't want to fail, don't try anything,
but if you conquer the fear of failure you have already succeeded
its just a matter of time.
The World Is Yours.

Carlos Camacho

Monday, 3 February 2014

Mantenga el Control de sus Sueños: Carlos Camacho Psychologist / Psicólogo

Mantenga el control de sus sueños.

Habrá muchos obstáculos en el camino,

y muchas personas que no le creen.

Eso está bien, no se rinda,

si lo hace,  es cuando usted ha fallado.

Nunca, nunca te rindas.

Tome un paso a la vez y trabaje en el proceso

y no es el objetivo final,

No hay manera de que usted no lo logre.

Mantenga el control de sus sueños.

Carlos Camacho Psychologist / Psicólogo

Stay in Control of Your Dreams: Carlos Camacho Psychologist

Stay in control of your dreams.
There will be many obstacles along the way,
and many people that wont believe you.
That's ok, don't ever give up,
if you do, that's when you have failed.
Don't ever, ever give up.
Take one step at a time and work on the process
not the final goal,
There is no way you wont make it.
Stay in control of your dreams.
Carlos Camacho Psychologist